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《蛋殼雕刻藝術》 簡直到了一種有耐心的極限


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嚮往飛翔在空中的樹,向小孩子借了大把氣球裝備自己,期待升空。由藝術家Myeongbeom Kim所創作的這一系列的雕塑,探索了人造物與大自然間的各種的互動可能。

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驚悚圖文,泰國景點,人體器官,麵包店,Human Bakery,Human Bread,烘培坊

位於泰國曼谷,有一間非常與眾不同的麵包烘培坊,當你走進店裡,你不會覺得自己走進了麵包店,而像走進了停屍間裡,兩旁的貨架、烤盤及掛勾上擺滿了非常擬真的腐爛人體器官、屍塊造型的麵包Human Bread,如果不是早有心裡準備,包準你嚇一大跳,馬上奪門而出。

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Particles is the latest installation by Daito Manabe and Motoi Ishibashi currently on exhibit at the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM]. The installation centers around a spiral-shaped rail construction on which a number of balls with built-in LEDs and xbee transmitters are rolling while blinking in different time intervals, resulting in spatial drawings of light particles.

This is an art installation which is able to create a visionary beautiful dots pattern of blinking innumerable illuminations floating in all directions on the air. The number of balls with a built-in LED, pass through one after another on the rail “8-spiral shape.” We see this phenomenon like “the light particle float around” because the balls radiate in various timing.

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Odani Motohiko | SP extra: Malformed Noh Mask Series Half Skeleton’s Twins (Left / Right) 2007
Photo credit:mori art museum

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於20世紀的前衛藝術洪流下,立體派劃破了畫作的結構,在碎狀的圖像重組出二度空間型態,歷經百年歲月推演,立體派畫家畢卡索(Pablo Picasso)及夏卡爾(Marc Chagall)的作品,至今仍深具前衛性,並透過世人的保存及推展,在不同的時空狀態下,持續醞釀出對當代的影響力,兩者在畫作及雕塑中,運用多樣媒材及手法,創作出遊走平面及立體觀感的作品,展現出綜合立體主義(Synifhefic Cubism)對於創造獨特意象的探索。


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— 北野武 (Takeshi Kitano)


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在公視 這個禮拜~~沒有重播喔 冏 

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設計師叫做Guo Pei

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