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New & Cool Architecture /

The High Line

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Birdhouse city (1)
New Eco /

Spontaneous City in the Tree of Heaven

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  • Jun 12 Sun 2011 17:41
  • 錯(9)


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'big bambú' by mike and doug starn of starn studio, venice, italy

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這是由日本設計師:keiichi hayashi

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SOLARIS is an object that uses solar energy inorder to create new working / leisure spaces. It allows you to work in theopen-air, by creating a shading space and providing a power source forelectronic devices. In the Mediterranean States the sun can easily be the mainpower source for our project. Lately, different policies of free internet serviceproviding are becoming standard for big citiesand local communities (the electronic gardens initiative, in Lisbon, offers wirelessinternet connection for free in every park in the city). Hence work can be donewithout the need for travelling long distances, reducing dramatically the CO2emissions and fuel consumption: use less, get more. This is how SOLARIS isborn, as a design contribution towards sustainability. SOLARIS works as a sun-shading system for the outdoor spaces: cafés,parks, beaches. It can be used by everyone who works / plays with an electronicportable device like a laptop. It is targeted at executives, students andeveryone who likes the open-air.  Inproviding energy points, wireless connection and sun shading, SOLARIS allowsyou to work outside the office, promoting new experiences and creating newhabits for a more sustainable and socially inclusive city landscape.  Finalist project of the CIFIAL International Design Competiton “Feel the planet Earth”    

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「Dispatchwork」是由德國藝術家Jan Vormann所發起。

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1969年出生的波蘭建築師 Robert Koniecznyrobert_konieczny_big.jpg  

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marina bay sands hotel singapore


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Core77 had the opportunity to be invited into Dror Benshetrit's Studios to take a glimpse at QuaDror, his new structural joint. QuaDror is a lap joint construction that provides for limited freedom of movement without the use of a traditional pin. The design is elegant enough to prompt wonderment that it hasn't already been built in the world, even as forgotten carpentry. By superimposing two lap joint frames with miter cuts, Dror makes the formation of a collapsible structure possible. Once a load is applied to the top of the two frames, it spreads out to an optimal angle for load distribution. Dror said that the finished structure could attain the strength of a correspondingly wide concrete or steel structure while using only 20% of the material.

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他將建築師們的名字變成了屬於他們特有風格的虛擬建築設計,除了可以看出其3D軟體的功力外,更令人欣賞的是他的創意與art direction。


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要做像維基解密這樣的事業也只有在這樣隱密的地方才適合吧?經過瑞典與美國當局的確認,維基解密的創辦人 Julian Assange 在這座位於瑞典斯德哥爾摩白山地底下隱藏了 25 萬條纜線,並將維基解密的總部設在這裡。

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