
El diseñador de moda Manel Torres, y visitante academico en el Imperial College de Londres, ha presentado una colección de alta costura hecha completamente con spray de tela. Ha tenido lugar en el desfile de moda "Science in Style" donde se ha podido ver los resultados de "Fabrican", desarrollado por él junto con la colaboración de Imperial College of London y Royal College of Art. La utilización de este producto está destinado a la industria, personal y sanitaria, decoración y moda, mediante aplicaciones domésticas como aerosoles o pistolas. El tejido está formado por el entrecruzamiento de las fibras, este se adhiere facilmente y puede ser pulverizado sobre cualquier superficie. Ver más dentro del post;
Video and english info after the jump;

Spanish Fashion Designer and academic visitor at Imperial College London Manel Torres has unveiled a collection of haute couture made entirely out of spray-on fabric called "Fabrican". Developed through a collaboration between Imperial College London and the Royal College of Art, Fabrican technology has captured the imagination of designers, industry and the public around the world. The technology has been developed for use in household, industrial, personal and healthcare, decorative and fashion applications using aerosol cans or spray-guns, and will soon be found in products available everywhere. The fabric is formed by the cross-linking of fibres, which adhere to one another, to create an instant non-woven fabric that can be easily sprayed on to any surface. Its properties can be tailored to meet the needs of each user.


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