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概念模 1 :

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利用彈簧彈性製造屈膝、直立感 ; 兩條綿繩控制旋轉上升及腿部拉提。

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  • Nov 07 Mon 2011 12:21
  • new

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzNbAJU9oFA  黃培宜

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpOy1yIIRMQ&feature=channel_video_title  概念模 邱筠庭

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I first saw Stanley Kubric's A Clockwork Orange when I was 15. Even though I was shocked by the violence in the film, what really got my attention was the wonderfully bawdy and colorful set designs. Based on the 1962 novel by Anthony Burgess, it was filmed in 1971 and set in the not too distant future. Its always interesting to see what is considered futuristic design when looking at films from the past. Much of the films decore is sexually explicit...especially in the cat lady/yoga instructor's home. It must have been the filmmakers thought that in the future, people would be more open to sexual displays...wow, how wrong they were! Seems like like people are more uptight than ever about sex nowadays....but I digress...back to the movie sets. Here are some inspirational photos from the film that have really inspired me in my decorating scheme....although I will admit...there are no penis statues to be found in my home. I managed to find a very interesting website which discusses what happened to many of the items and artwork used in the film.

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Escher's "Relativity" in LEGO®

Because The LEGO Company get paranoid about this sort of thing let me make it clear that I have no affiliation with them, that my views are my own and do not necessarily represent theirs, and so on. So if you think any of this is official you are as deluded as they are.

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【驚奇景點特搜】對熱愛旅行的人來說,很多時候旅途的意義與最難忘回憶,是來自下榻的旅館;旅館就是遊客在行程中 的家,有人要求品味與奢華,也有人可以遮風避雨就心滿意足。總之,旅館這個暫時的避風港,總是在旅行經驗中佔有相當重要的地位,你也許住過各種風格迥異的 溫馨旅店,但你一定沒有試過躺在水管裡過夜是什麼滋味!


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