david garcia studio: the archive series
the archive series by david garcia studio, denmark is a collection of pieces that investigate space and books
and the traditional relationships that humans have to books.
archive I
is a weight balance library, the readers chair is elevated in proportion to the amount
of books in the shelves.
archive II
is a circular library for the nomad book collector, allowing the user to step inside,
and walk away with half a ton of books.
archive III
is a censored book stand, the books close suddenly if anyone approaches the reading stand.
archive IV
challenges space and weight, by hanging from the ceiling. a wooden cylinder, 3 meter in diameter
and 3.5 meter high, suspended from above, serves as a sitting area and as an archive for books and
music in its inside. the visitor encounters a quiet space for conversation, and in the centre a rope ladder
takes the curious to a level above, a micro lounge room, where one can look out into the crowd.
from the outside, the introvert character of the structure hides the human body, only revealing feet
at floor level, and the heads of visitors that climb to the top.
'private collections have existed for centuries, but when this is added to nomadic behaviour,
curious contradictions arise; this is the area studied by archive II. how can an individual travel
with it’s own library, given that books are so heavy? this is something we can all relate to
when moving house. archive ii is a nomadic library, a transport system and an intimate space.
inspired by ancient travelling libraries from the far east, which visited courts and cities,
archive ii transforms this into a personal space, where walking and reading coexist as refuge
and transport.'
'as a child, I was introduced to an old friend of the family. I have never met anyone who has
read so many books, could remember so many sources or quote so many authors as he could.
many years later, while studying at university, I would often call him for suggestions with
bibliography regarding the most varied subjects. we would always meet in a café or a park,
and my curiosity grew with time. what was his library like? I imagined him having endless
rooms filled with books. finally, one day, I convinced him to meet at his house, and to my
deep disappointment, there were no books to be seen. my impatience took over and I asked
him where he kept all his books? 'i only own the book i read at the moment' he answered.
'when I finish them, I go for a walk, pick a stranger from the crowd, and give the book away.'
more info on the project can be found here and here.
via theblogonthebookshelf
- Apr 25 Sun 2010 17:58