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這是義大利籍設計師Carlo Trevisani設計名為APPO的餐具組。

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不插電的環保夜燈「Trap Light」


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設計師Bao Khang Luu回收再利用常見的鋁罐常見的固定帶

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Designer Cho Hyung Suk has an affinity for bicycle chains – for their utilitarian function and seemingly beauty. The B-Chain Lamp spins the bike chain into a new kind of object, one that is rigid enough to pose a light into various positions. There’s something oddly anthropomorphic about this design – maybe because it halfway reminds me of the Pixar Lamp.

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Secret Of Light – Lamp by Qin Xue, Cao iXiaoxiao & Wei Hangshuai


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為盲人設計 可以發聲的讀字機

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Rvind Gupta

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有點像寄還一開始提出來的 可彈跳的桌子!? 應該不會彈跳...但可以摺起來拉

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studio job for venini

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12 Cool Products Inspired by LEGO

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Imagine a waste bin (you heard me). Take that bin and fill it with compostable products like grass cuttings, tea bags, & cardboard (just do it). Now attach your new plant-worthy cell to the facade of an ugly building with thousands of other composting bins (don’t forget the plant).  You’re all finished! Now watch it grow, reduce CO2, collect rainfall for reuse, and transform your least favorite eyesores into a recycled, green, and overall cool looking structure. Now wasn’t that easy?

This, in essence, is what designer Stanislaw Mlynski was imagining when he designed the award winning Re-cell ecological wall. A big undertaking, maybe, but this design shows that there is relevant potential for similar modular systems in eco-cities of the future.

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'nestrest' by daniel pouzet and fred frety for dedon

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