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When you have a panel full of light switches, it can be challenging to remember which is which. The Floor Plan Light switch offers an easy solve. The switches are modified according to the floor plan of the room and operate accordingly. So in a single glance you know which switch controls what.

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Kuo Chia Hung所設計的Carzor解決了我們的煩惱。


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Auto Ink

Bei der Tätowiermaschinen Auto Ink von Chris Eckert läuft alles vollautomatisch ab: Arm drunter, Maschine anschalten, kurz warten, Tattoo fertig! Ich könnte mir dieses Gerät zukünftig auch in Form eines Automaten in Bahnhofshallen vorstellen. Wenn man den Zug verpasst, steckt man zum Zeitvertreib einfach 10 Euro inklusive Arm rein und erhält eine bleibende Erinnerung.  Der bisherige Prototyp arbeitet (leider) noch ohne Nadeln und zeichnet die Linien lediglich auf.

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Carolina Reis studierte Grafik und Fashion Design in Québec sowie Conceptual Design an der Design Academy Eindhoven. Das Resultat ihres Master Abschlusses in Eindhoven nennt sie „Wear Out“ und re-interpretiert darin die Redensart „Kleider machen Leute“ in dem sie dessen wesentlichen Bausteine vertauscht.  

Mit dem Kauf von Kleidungsstücken repräsentieren wir ein Stück weit eine bestimmte Stilrichtung oder weisen uns einer Szene zu, wie die Serie “Exactitudes“ von Ari Versluis und Ellie Uyttenbroek seit Mitte der Neunziger sehr treffend herausarbeitet. Carolina Reis versucht mit „Wear Out“ eine Art Reset in der Beziehung zwischen Kleidung und seinem Träger.

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This tumbler stick is designed for senior users. In the process of using the stick, the special balance design will solve the problem of inconvenience, and the stick may become a kind assistant of users.

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Escapism is a continuation of the collaboration between London based architect Daniel Widrig and dutch fashion designer Iris van Herpen.

Escapism by Daniel Widrig and Iris van Herpen

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The Atlanta duo Amy Flurry and Nikki Salk have created a wonderful series of fantastic paper wigs! Flurry is a freelance writer, editor and stylist and she also co-founded Paper-Cut-Project. Salk has a degree in Fine Arts in Design and runs a fashion blog called Fashion Gatherer and an art website called Charta-Aeterna.

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Ben Alun-Jones’ latest work is an attempt at the impossible: invisibility. ‘There is something of an ideology in chair design,’ he explains, ‘that really what you want to sit on is nothing – like you’re supported by air. That’s how I began creating a chair that, in a way, wasn’t there. A structure made out of light.’ The ‘Affinity Chair’ is unlikely to win any prizes for comfort, but it pulls off an impressive vanishing act.

Plastic acrylic sheet and one-way mirror film are used to create a structure that reflects and merges with its surroundings. The chair not only responds to and camouflages itself to match its environment, it also interacts directly with the sitter: sensors activate pulsing LEDs hidden within its frame that quicken like a heart beat as it is approached. The effect is eerie: as the chair is lit from within, its reflective surfaces becomes transparent and all its edges are illuminated. The chair’s disappearance is an attempt at escape; yet this strangely animate object remains rooted to the spot, it’s vanishing body revealing a further hidden space within.

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It’s completely brilliant! Can you take this idea apart? This is a portable spring driven power generator design concept by designer Satoshi Yanagisawa, one that says you’ll be able to recharge your daily portable gadgets anytime anywhere without further negative impact to the environment. Sounds alright! The name of this project is “Cyclus,” and it’s a spring driven personal electricity generator. A hand held device that, when its bottom is twisted, provides 30 minutes of energy via the inner located spring via “rotation energy.”

The energy generated, Yanagisawa says, is enough to drive the DC motor (in the upper part of the device) to produce energy approximately equal to 6.6V 3W. Yanagisawa envisions this device as a catalyst for the next generation of ideas that generate social togetherness as well as electric energy.

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日本MUJI全球巡迴「無印良品理由展」,走過米蘭、杭州等國家下一站即將來到台灣。為持續深耕MUJI簡約、自然、富質感的品牌概念,台灣無印良品與日方爭取歷經超過半年以上的洽談與策劃,讓該年度大展能於台北信義誠品及高雄夢時代展出。「無印良品理由展」集合上百項的MUJI代表性商品;例如:PP收納盒、壁掛式CD PLAYER、直角襪等,再加入MUJI最擅長的空間陳列,讓每件商品都充份展現出品牌精神及30年歷久不衰的道理。此外,無印良品更首度與全球34位各界設計師合作;例如:深澤直人、Atelier Grizou、Jasper Morrison,推出34款限量「My Bag」手提袋。讓喜愛設計的民眾可以提著走,設計師品味可以更垂手可得。無印良品打破台灣生活雜貨產業思維,不斷投入資源推動,讓設計與日常生活更緊密結合,除提昇國人的生活品味外,也將再創一波設計生活話題。

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這不是狗狗一開始想做的手錶!! 而且他的圈圈還會轉動...但一直盯著他看...頭很暈

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